Monday, June 11, 2012

Many are the plans in a man's heart. But it is the Lord's purpose that prevails. 

It's funny how the Lord has a certain plan in mind, and will do anything to make it happen. 
Instead of departing for Romania like planned, I will be leaving for Italy, and the to Romania to drive with the children of Aviano to the service trip. 
Woah. I mean, here I was, all packed up (which was NOT easy) and then I'm told this morning about the change of plans.
That is something I am so not used to incorporating into my life, and yet, here I was sitting down, taking an anti-terrorist class and I nod my head and say, "Ok." 
I look back at this, and I'm thinking to myself, "This is not me. I am not this flexible. I freak out, call my mom, freak out some more, and then accept this situation." 
1) I didn't freak out.
2) There was no way I could call my mother, ergo
3) I didn't freak out

Wow holy spirit. Wow. You were able to move in me, stir and calm my heart, and set it on fire. I'm amazed. A month ago, I would have never accepted to be this flexible. But here I am, in EUROPE, and I just went with the flow. A huge flow, but I still went with it.

And my heart is weeping. Weeping with joy, because not only is the Lord moving my heart to serve him. Not only did he bring me to this beautiful continent, but he is shaping my heart to be a true disciple. To follow and obey when he leads me some where and to not question it.

Sure I was annoyed that I packed all my stuff, and will now have to figure out how to unpack for several days, but, I didn't question the plan. 
And in the end, that is what is making me weep; the fact that I'm changing. And for the good and for greatness the Lord has planned for me. 

Just a taste of the beauty I get to experience.
Toi toi toi,

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